التدابير النبوية الحكيمة لمواجهة الأوبئة الحديثة كوفيد 19- أنموذجًا

Research on the wise Prophetic measures to face the modern Pandemics: Covid-19 as a model

  • Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Abdel-Aal El Sharabany Department of Hadith and its Sciences, Faculty of Usuluddin, University of al-Azhar, Egypt


The Prophetic Sunnah is a bound and overflowing with sound comprehensive measures to confront Plagues and Pandemics in line with modern scientific principles, it has combined general guidelines for primary prevention, sensory measures, and faithful guidelines in preventing epidemics and combating it, and this is a feature of the Sunnah al-nabawīyah to achieving mental health for the patient and others. The new Corona virus (Covid-19) has been classified as a global pandemic, so this research seeks to explain the measures that the Prophet’s Sunnah guided us to follow, to combat that epidemic and mitigate its effects, in a manner that confirms the importance of the role of the Prophet’s Sunnah, and clarifies its historical precedence and its distinction in facing the epidemics that threaten humanity in every time and place. Using The inductive method, descriptive and analytical, and conclusion. The most important results were that the Prophet’s Sunnah abounds in many general measures for primary prevention of epidemics by cutting their causes, from personal hygiene, frequent washing of hands well, covering utensils, not breathing and blowing in food and drink, and covering the face when sneezing, and coughing. It also included physical measures to combat epidemics of quarantine, individual isolation, social distancing, and urging treatment in as well as collecting religious instructions to maintain mental health, which contributes to the speedy recovery.


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How to Cite
El Sharabany, M. A. M. A.-A. (2020). التدابير النبوية الحكيمة لمواجهة الأوبئة الحديثة كوفيد 19- أنموذجًا: Research on the wise Prophetic measures to face the modern Pandemics: Covid-19 as a model. HADIS, 10(20), 610-635. https://doi.org/10.53840/hadis.v10i20.136